Dec 12, 2007


I and my co-worker at my part time job planed to play on December 10th. We started to go Yamaga city to go hot spring at noon.
Yusuke drove his car with Taishiro and picked I and Yutami san up.
On the way to go Yamaga, we ate Big Mac set in his car.
I taught them the way to go to hot spring.
Fortunately, the day is a weekday so we could enjoy hot springs not so crowded.
I recommend them "Yunokura", that means store of hot springs.
Yunokukra is one of the most favorite hot spring for me.
Second we came back to Kumamoto city and went to Taishiro's house. We helped to clean his room. After finished cleaning his room, Taishiro went to work at part time job.
We said to him Good bye, we started to go Yuusuke's house for a while. His room is very clean so we were very surprised.

As soon as Taishiro left from us, Akiko joined! So we went to Ikkenya to eat dinner and drink. And we decided to take prikura in honor of Nohara Kai.
Nohara kai is the name of meeting with Wararaka member. Nohara is came from Taishiro's family name. This time is 6th of Nohara kai. But there is no Taishiro in those prikura.
After that we went to Yutami san's house near our school and played cards and talking.
We waited for Taishiro's coming back until 3;30 a.m..
As soon as he came back, we fall asleep.
Yuusuke is very tired because of long driving.
I could enjoy the meeting. The day is very long, but I felt the day is too short for us!!

(280 words)

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