Dec 13, 2007


Sally Brown is a student to be a teacher. She works at Happy Hills that is an amusement park in her holidays. The workers usually work making tea or helping in the children's house or wearing the costumes. Happy Hill has 15 characters. The day Sally had to wear the most tired character. She had to be "Conny Cat". Conny Cat can only say miaow to the children.
Her co- worker William said her "Zapp's coming today".
Zapp is a famous singer. Sally loves listening to his songs and she has all his CD.

She really wants to meet him, but she tried to do only her job: being Conny Cat.
Zapp sang some songs and everyone sang songs too.
At last Zapp show a CD that is recorded new song. TV show man asked him to please sing the song. But Zapp smiled and said. "No. no you must come to my bug concert next Saturday."
He only did advertisement of his next concert.
After that Zapp enjoyed Happy Hills. Shaking hands with fan and taking pictures with Happy Hill's characters.
When Sally started to rest canteen, suddenly Mr Parry, a boss and a lot of people come into the canteen.
They are looking for Zapp's CD that recorded new song. Zapp is very anger and call police to find his CD.
All the visitors and workers are asked and checked their pocket.
But it's difficult to find CD.
But Sally noticed the Jobs list. Today there are fourteen characters on the list. But there are fifteen characters here. She reads the list again.
Finally she found unexpected character! Police asked the character who are you. The woman who wears costume began to run away.
But police caught her. She has Zapp's CD. The singer smiles again.
The other day (next Saturday) Sally and William are in London because they are going to Zapp's concert. They don't have any ticket but they have invitation ticket from Zapp.

(328 words)

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