Dec 7, 2007


Today we live in the useful society that we can watch TV and get the new information every time. We can watch TV programs and commercial film by not only TV but also cell phone. Let me exam commercial. I will show you about Japanese commercials.

CM history

CM is started at August 28, 1953. The Seiko Company started to inform the time signal of noon and recommending to maintenance of our clocks. The company tried to impress the existence of clock in our daily life. Commercial is divided 2 types those are time commercial and spot commercial. Commercial that on air time is decided. That depends on the time of TV program. But first commercial failed because they mistook both sides of the film! The commercial is aired only 3 second!
Now December 18th is provided the day "The day for commercial".

They often use cutting-edge technologies like a CG or design or character. The companies competed what is the most impressive commercial for us. They want us to communicate their aim by making CM. They could use any technique, but they have to care whether invade human being.

Reflection by CM
Sometimes commercials make a trend. They made vogue-words or fashion. It reflects great in our society and life. If companies adopt famous star, people want to watch it regardless of the contents. But it is important thing for star to what images people feel by watching commercial. It could sometimes decide their image. Commercial is great chance for star to remember by people.

We can watch vommercial between TV programs. It give us a new information and some feelings. We can enjoy or excite or sad through the commercial. It's a short time but it reflects our mind. Commercial has many aims, for example to recommend products or inform us some information and to warn to our heart.

(316 words)

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