Dec 17, 2007

Makanai made by Nomura san

I ate Makanai last day. I can't eat makanai usually because i have no time to eat it and there is no time to make it so early time!
Friday and Saturday are especially busy so it's impossoble to make the makanai so early time.

But yesterday is Sunday, I finished working at 21:40 so I could eat and have a time to eat it.

This time, Nomura san Ide san made makanai for us. Nomura san is meybe 26 years and he will quit Wararaka soon.

Ide san made Atsuyaki Egg and salad and miso soup (ingredience are Yuba and seaweed).
I like law Yuba so he use yuba for me (*>v<*) Atsuyaki Egg is so delicious. Nomura san made the fly of Karashi renkon (this is a famous food of Kumamoto). I haven't eaten Karashi renkon because I can't eat spicy and hot food. This is the first time to try to eat Karashi renkon. In fact, I'm confused to try to it. But Nomura san flied it so it got less hot so I could it. I prefer flied Karashi renkon to normal karashi renkon.
(188 words)

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