Nov 14, 2007

Essay☆Comunity life

I belong to and live in some communities now.
All of those communities are essential things for me.
I can divide some most important communities. For example, my friends and part time job and family.
In my community life, I'm growing up gradually. If the community including environment is changed, I will change and adopt the environment.
I live in some community life!

First I belong to friends. I have many friends since I was born. Those were childhood friends or friends in nursery school or friends in each phrase school.
Now I usually stay with my friends at school. Sometimes I stay some one's house. Sometimes we hold the drink party and plan the short trip. We talk and eat with my friends and feel happy.
I like chatting and staying with my friends. Sometimes we fight but we will become good relation ship again soon. To stay with my friends is one of the most important relax ways for me to live in society.
We did stupid things but sometimes we talk about very private and serious things. We grow up together more slightly and more slightly.

Next I belong to my family. My family is 5 people and 1 dog. Now I usually stay with my parents and grandmother at house. My young brother lives in far place from my house. He lives in dormitory of his high school. Since he entered high school, my family usually stays our home all the member.
But now we couldn't stay all the time. I have a part time job and school life and relation ship to others. I sometimes play with my friends.
Both of my parents have own works. Only grandmother stayed at home all the time. We seldom eat dinner together, but I like my family and we have a good relation ship.

part time job
Third I have 2 part time jobs. One is cram school and the other is Izakaya. I have been working 2 years at cram school and 1 month at Izakaya. Izakaya job has been just starting. I learn how to reserve customers and how enjoy my Izakaya life. Sometimes customers gave us unexpected feeling. Some of them said to me or us "Thank you, I'll come here again", we feel good or if they feel uncomfortable, we feel and uneasy.
How we enjoy our part time job is depending customer's satisfying. I like my part time job and companion.
It's hard for me to memorize the menu and how behave to customers.
But I could enjoy the busy part time job life because of my companion.

I like and enjoy my community life. I feel something from them and grow up with them. I want not to only be given from community but also change and stimulate the community. I want to become good with my communities.

(480 words)


Kazumi said...

Your essay is great!! You are happy because many people are around you, aren't you?

Koyuki said...

Hi、I'm Koyuki! Your essay is very good constitution. Sometime you fight with your friends?! Wow!

Makko said...

Hello, kazumi.
I'm very sorry to respond you late.
I'm very happy and can spend very good time because of people.
It's including you too.
You enjoy your life, don't you?
May be I think you can enjoy life too.

Makko said...

Hello. Koyuki!
I'm sorry to respond you late too.
Thank you to evaluate my essay.
I will aim to create easier to read essay. It needs to know more words and correct my grammer.

I think I sometimes fight with my friends. But ie needs to create better relationship.