Nov 6, 2007

Crape in Fukuoka

I ate this crape at Fukuoka.

I went to Fukuoka to see my friends and go to KREVA's live.

November 4th I stayed Asako's house. We haven't met her since last spring vacation(maybe 8 month) .

And one more friend whose name is Mio. We haven't met so long long time. I haven't met her since we graduated my high school.

Sometimes we mailed and talked by cell phone, but we didn't meet.

So I have been looking forward to see them in this trip.

After I arrived at Fukuoka, they hanged up me to eat some delicious food they really like. I noticed they planed very small details for I and my friend. They talked about this our small trip by their cell phone.

I notice but I didn't tell them that I noticed. I appreciated them in my own mind.

We went to eat crape in famous crape shop in Fukuoka. I enjoyed talking with my friends, of course eating too. After that we went to Karaoke to conume high calory from delicous crape.


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