Oct 28, 2007

Anterore at Kumamoto Hanshin

Those cakes are for my parent’s the celebration of their wedding. They got married for 21 years. I celebrated it by buying some cakes because I and my mother really like eating cakes.
I bought those cakes at Antenore in Kumamoto Hanshin.
But I had no transportation to pick those lovely cakes up my home. I have to pick those cakes up by my bicycle.
I care and care seriously for our cake. It takes for 30 minutes to get home. I think that was about 4kilometers. After I got home, there is only my grandmother in house. My mother said to me she will get home earlier than usual time. I prepared the cake and special dish with my grandmother. But they didn't come home early.
I and my grandma waited them 2 hours. First my mother got home, next is my father. He got home after 1 hour since my mother got house. He doesn't give her special present. But he said her "Thank you with your help.” My father doesn't said "Thank you" to my mother, because he is so ashamed. My mother didn't get special present but she looks so happy.
And I became happy too. Then we ate dish and spend happy time.


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