Feb 9, 2008

With Chikara

I and Chikara became friends since we have met first on Dec 19th. Today we went to watch movie "Gin iro no season".

We gathered at Kado Mac (it situated corner between Sinshi street and Shimo street) at 2:00 p.m. I was very surprised because his perfume is so gooooood smell!! I really like it(*>v<*) We havn't met since we met the first day.

We walked and talked in a while. We went to Cineplex to watch it. It is a Japanese movie. Its story is by a town where situated northern Japan.

We could enjoy watching the movie. After that, we went to Hamasen to eat some dinner. Our stomach made noise while we were watching movie. We were so so hungry.

We entered curry restaurant , I forgot the name... I ordered loco moco. He ordered Katsu curry. We talked a lot there. After eating dinner, we went to game center. He really like it and is good at catching premiums. He gave me some of them. This picture is hot jel to our face warm up.

I really like it.

I drove to Shimo street by my car to see him off. He had a plan to participate farewell party with his part time job members.

I was so sad but I saw him off with smiling. I gave him a chocolate cake as a valentine day's present. He looked happy and I felt happy too.

I like him so much!!!!!!!!!

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