Dear my host family
Ken, Kari, Kylie, Harper
I had a very good time in America. Because you are so kind to contact with me.
You tried to accept my Japanese culture and habits.
I'm very glad you tried to eat corn with Japanese special source.
That is very easy to make, we need only soy source and sugar.
You tried to the special source!!
And you tried barley tea too. I'm very worried about either you like it or not. You tried my try, even Harper. I know you don't like barley. Because Ken told me that. Please forgive me a little meaning which I pretended not to know you don't like barley:)
I don't forget the time I ate pickle bean at Ken's mother's house. In fact I don't like pickle, you know? I may remember Ken's laughing at my strange face because I ate it as a hall of that. And I don't forget your house. Your house is full of love. You changed the position of furniture and making a new stuff like a rest room (not bath room). Ken and Kari are making up that cute house. And Ken you must be a good chef!! I assure your dishes are GOOD. I have interested in movies animation now. I convinced I've been interested in how wonderful world it is created in movie!! I want to study the region more.
I stayed exciting at your house. I had exciting days on the side of art. Thank you.
I don't forget I and Harper helped making apple pie with Kari. It's very fun for me. I've never made apple pie by my own hands. Every action and process we can enjoy. And I and Harper rolled the handle of the machine that shaving rind of apple.
And I decorate the edge of pie; it's a little difficult for me. I could finish decorating the edge because of Kari's help.
I don't forget making my work with Harper. Harper has good handing to cut the paper. Your cutting line is very cute, it suitable to my choosing the words.海理(=Kylie)
And I don't forget I got there at the first day, I was fallen down from your secret base, you really worried about me. You are very kind. I don't forget watching some movies and playing games and how much you really like sweets!! We ate "Nacho" at the basement. You cooked for me. I was really happy. And you explained me that movies content. In fact, I couldn't understand all of the content, but with your help I could understand the movie!
And the last is Kylie, I can't write the all, because I don't know what I should write about memories! We have many memories not to write down. You picked me up to many place so I could making friends, and sharing happy hour. I'm very glad to share the time with you. I don't forget the music every night in your car. I don't forget you and your friends have sweet hearts. I can't forget you welcomed me when I feel sad or nervous; of course I had happy time.
All of my memories are very precious things. My mind is still there. I' m not Japanese completely.
Because I like (or Love) the USA so much!
If your family wants to come to Japan, my family (Hayakawa) will be happy to welcome you!! I promise you can spend exciting days here.
Oopsie, I have to hit the book!! See you I write the letter again.
CU (See you?)