Jan 22, 2008

Nomusan and Idekun

Yesterday after I finished my part time job at Wararaka, we went to Kourinji to hold a party for Nomusan and Idekun. Nomusan is already quit a job at Wararaka, I dekun will be quit for this month so we hold "Good bye party (including new year's coming party)".

After I finished my part time job, I chose presents for them. Yutami san and Akko san and Mattyan and Tai chan chose each present for them.

I give a funny bank tank for Nomu san and Otona kan for Idekun.

We hold the party there from 1:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m..

After we finished the party, I and Yutami san and Mattyan went to Mattyan's home. Yutami san lented a video and he bollowed mattyan to the video. We tried to watch a movie "The 3meisama" to his house. But we started to watch the movie, we felt a deep sleep soon.
It was very funny movie but we have a nice sleep.

(163 words)

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